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The world of wellness looks set to embrace 3D Body Scanning Technology

Medical spas, clinics and wellness centres in the States have been replacing their tape measure and ‘before and after’ photography with Styku 3D Body Scanning Technology.

This impactful way to validate fat loss treatments has recently been launched in the UK.

Apart from being time consuming, previous methods to measure body composition can be inaccurate, inconsistent and sometimes invasive.

2D photos can be misleading as lighting and colour differences can mask or enhance change. The Styku 3D Body Scanner looks set to transform the wellness therapist and client experience.

An early adopter of this advanced technology is London based nutritional therapist and co-author of The In-Sync Diet, Fleur Borrelli.

She incorporates both exercise and nutrition into her approach and the Styku Body Scanner is going to be an integral part of what she offers in her personalised fat-burning programme.

Fleur said: “For the first time, my clients will be able to have a 3D experience of their own body. Being able to see exactly where the inches are coming off and track their progress will be hugely empowering.”

Consultant ENT surgeon, Mr Michael Oko installed Styku into both his Harley Street clinic and Lincolnshire practice.

Founder of the Sleeping Disorder Centre, Oko understood the benefits that 3D body scanning could provide in a medical context.

Oko said:"Improving fitness and weight loss is a key part of treating sleep apnoea and the 3D body scanner allows this to be assessed and monitored in a new and comprehensive way”.

The Styku unit is portable and unobtrusive; the scanning process is quick and non-invasive. Simply stand in a fixed position on a turntable while it rotates 360 degrees.

Within seconds Styku assembles a remarkably lifelike 3D model of your body, along with a full report of circumferences, composition, and shape analysis.

The Wellness Package software offers intuitive goal setting for fat loss, workout activity, nutritional and lifestyle changes. By demonstrating progress in a believable and repeatable way, Styku helps to engage new clients and drive sales.

LA based company, Styku, recently appointed React Fitness exclusive UK distributor for the fitness, health and wellness market.

For further information visit

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